Generator Maintenance

Singapore Standard SS535 defines a series of tests and records required for standby generator sets. Our stand maintenance schedule assures that your generator maintenance program meets or exceeds this standard. The NFPA 110:1999 requires all standby generators run at full load at least once a year to assure they come up to speed and settle in at the proper power to support the emergency equipment that they are in place to run.

Regular Servicing
We provide monthly/quarterly servicing of your engine by using our service checklists and guidelines to assure your equipment is ready should it be needed in an emergency.

Annual Servicing
Regular oil changing or at least once a year is recommended by the manufacturer. We dispose of the used oil through NEA approved vendor at no cost to you. We use only manufacturer approved grade lude oil and genuine service parts for all of our servicing needs which include that lub oil filters, by-pass filters, fuel filters and water filters, etc.

Service Gen3

Service Gen2